Team Pilot

Team Pilot is a web app that can be of great help to the IT industry. Team pilot can be used by Company Admin, HR, and Employees. Company admin can manage Project Wise and Employee Wise. If we take it projectwise, we can know how much payment we have spent on each project. By taking Employee Wise, you can know Employee's Salary Details, Attendance...

d Team Pilot is a web app that can be of great help to the IT industry. Team pilot can be used by Company Admin, HR, and Employees. Company admin can manage Project Wise and Employee Wise. If we take it projectwise, we can know how much payment we have spent on each project. By taking Employee Wise, you can know Employee's Salary Details, Attendance Details, Leave & Permission Application, etc. Work reports can also be viewed as charts and data. HR can know Employee Leave Management, Employee Work Report Employee Wise, and ProjectWise. If taken as Employee Wise, the employee can update his work as a task daily. Marketing leads can be updated. It also has a mobile app. Employees can check in, check out, leave & apply for permission. This can also be done on the Web App. Each role has many such features.

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